Witnessing Actions & Words

Dr. Juls Gilliam
2 min readMar 30, 2020

Having people in your life who practice what they preach really makes a significant difference in your life experience.

I used to have people in my life who would tell me one thing and do something else. Hey Juls — I am going to call you and I would never hear from them. Or Hey Juls- let’s get together and we never did. Hey-Juls I miss you but they didn’t do anything to support the claim.

Paying attention to what people say and do matter. But it does take a while to get used having people in your life who actually show up. When you are in the hospital, they check on you. Your pastor visits you and tells you matter. You have visitors who want to see if you are ok. They take care of your dog because they want to and not out of obligation. They don’t judge where you are and know they have had their moments too.

It’s so easy to say something but to actually do something — it is very different. Now is a time for us to be introspective and go within. It is time to check to see if our messaging is consistent with our actions. Are we the people in this world that are wanting to make a difference and do? Or are we people who just talk a good game but do not know how to deliver love and compassion.

I am so proud of my church because the people there show me what it is like to show up for you and demonstrate love. My community is older and I am one of the younger people at 52. Community is what my church is about. And imagine having 70's and 80’s year old people learning how to get on Zoom to make sure they are serving their community. It is mind blowing.

These are people who used a typewriter and went to the library to find an article to write a paper. These people, send you cards, check on you, ask you what you need, and say what they mean. They aren’t perfect and they make mistakes. But they talk about the mistakes they have made and see themselves as people who learn from them and not try to hide them. It’s beautiful. It is a little overwhelming. But it is so different than saying you are one thing and not doing it.

These people do it. They try. They fail. They get up. They love. I am so very grateful to witness what is like to say something and witness follow through. I feel blessed for the limited amount of time I have with these incredible souls on this earth. Thank you for letting me share.



Dr. Juls Gilliam

An advocate, artist, catalyst, designer, musician, and technologist building bridges in order to create positive change in this world.